Oakes College Community Studies Program Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Merrill College Center for Labor and Community
Stevenson College Academic Building 222
Spring 2023: Wednesdays, 3-5pm and by appointment
Stevenson Academic Services
B.A. Reed College M.A. University of Warwick Ph.D. UCLA
U.S. immigration and working-class history, with a particular focus on the Irish experience in America; ethnicity and race in U.S. history, including the history of movements for racial justice; transnational history of diasporic radicalisms; Irish history and politics.
Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title for 2016
“American Labor Union” and “Gilded Age,” in Eric Arnesen (ed.), Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working Class History (Routledge, 2007), 1:91-93, 2:521-27.
“American Labour and the Irish Question, 1916-1923,” Saothar: Journal of the Irish Labour History Society 24 (1999): 59-66.
"Irish Progressive League" and “Knights of Labor,” in Mari Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle, and Dan Georgakas (eds.), Encyclopedia of the American Left, 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, 1998), 387, 417-19.
"'In Time of Peace, Prepare for War': Key Themes in the Social Thought of New York's Irish-American Nationalists, 1900-1916," in Ronald H. Bayor and Timothy J. Meagher (eds.), The New York Irish (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), 321-34.
The Making of Western Labor Radicalism: Denver's Organized Workers, 1878-1905 (University of Illinois Press, 1994).
"After the Land League: The Persistence of Irish-American Labor Radicalism in Denver, 1897-1905," Journal of American Ethnic History 11 (Spring 1992): 3-26.
Who Built America? Working People & the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture & Society, with Bruce Levine et al. (2 volumes, Pantheon, 1989-92).
"Irish Land and American Workers: Class and Ethnicity in Denver, Colorado," in Dirk Hoerder (ed.), "Struggle a Hard Battle": Essays on Working-Class Immigrants (Northern Illinois University Press, 1986), 46-67.
"The Producing Classes and the Saloon: Denver in the 1880s," Labor History 26 (Winter 1985): 29-52.